Caitlin Fisher at Technoscience Salon Jan. 29

STIR together intellectual and political questions about technoscience
Engage in new interdisciplinary REMIXES of Science and Technology Studies
Enjoy food and EXPERIMENT with thought

The Technoscience Salon hopes to create a LIVELY community of thinkers concerned with technoscience in the GTA and Southern Ontario.

January 29th, Thursday mix and stir — Art Meets Science. Contributors include Nell Tenhaaf, Joan Steigerwald, Caitlin Fisher, and Dolores and David Steinman.

140 St. George St, Bissell Building,
Faculty of Information Studies, Room 728.
Toronto, Ontario

More information

The Future Cinema Lab is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of CanadaCanada Research Chairs, York Research, Ontario Innovation Trust, and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.